Two snacks and lunch are served daily. We try to offer a wide variety of foods while keeping the children's taste and health in mind. The meals are fresh, homemade, and prepared in our state of the art kitchen by the staff nutritionist and are served family style. Below are some sample meals offered during the year.
Breakfast: yogurt, biscuits and gravy, cinnamon toast, scrambled eggs, fruit (bananas, apples, oranges, etc.)
Lunch: chicken noodle casserole, spaghetti, soft tacos, grilled cheese, vegetables (green beans, carrots, peas, etc.)
Snacks: peanut butter rolls, trail mix, Goldfish, cucumbers and dip, pudding
*If your child has any food allergies please let us know so we accommodate them.
**If desired, birthday treats may be provided by the parents for the child’s birthday. Please speak with your child’s teacher if you wish to bring treats.